Hello all. Welcome to my blog. As you can tell by the title, I am the parent of a child who works in the entertainment business. My wife and I have two children, 12 and 4. Our 12 year old is an actor who is currently a regular cast member on a sitcom. He started acting about two years ago and has fortunately been very active in the business so far. These past two years have been interesting to say the least. Our lives have been turned upside down and inside out, but in a good way.
My desire to start this blog stems from a little frustration with the misconception that the entertainment business is bad for children and any parent who allows their child to be a part of it, must have selfish motives. While this is surely the case for some, it is not for us all. Most of the parents in the industry that I’ve come into contact with are in it for the same reason I am…to support our children.
This blog is a voice for those parents. As of right now, I have no set blogging schedule. I will simply post as I feel necessary. Stay tuned.
I am so glad to see this blog. My daughter is with the same agent as your son in SC. We met your son once and I had the pleasure of speaking to your wife in the midst of my daughter rehearsing for the extravaganza. I had always wanted to ask if you thought the acting biz for children is worth pursuing. It sounds like it is. I'm glad to hear that. My daughter has been asked to travel too but financially its hard and we really haven't been able to do it. But she is only 6 and has time to grow so we just take one day at a time and do what we can. I look forward to reading your future posts. I wish your son the absolute best and maybe one day our paths will cross again.